Sunday, May 3, 2009

Part III

The cinema was bustling with a large crowd. Clearly, the signs of economic recession had yet to hit home. It seemed almost as if the entire Singapore was at City Hall that night. "Thank God for the Internet", I thought to myself as I joined the line for the internet booking ticket collection. To my dismay, there were already ten people in front of me. So much for internet efficiency. As I produced my credit card to collect the two prized tickets, I was horrified. And dumbfounded. "Sorry Sir, you are late. We have already given up your seats". I was informed by the young girl behind the counter. Clearly, she looked as if she could be sitting in my classroom on any given weekday. The power now, had shifted to the young girl behind the counter. She had the chance to ruin my date that very moment. "WWWhhhattt?" I exclaimed in disbelief. "You can't do this. I paid for those tickets and those seats - you can't let it go just like that", my voice growing dangerously low. "Erm... I'll go get my manager" was all she could manage.

As I stood at the counter, I felt like a complete fool. My first date and they gave away my seats was all my mind could manage. I looked over the other line and saw her, in her black dress, waiting to get the popcorn and the coke. "How much worse could it get?" I thought to myself. Frustrated. How was I going to tell her that the cinema was not exactly the friendliest cinema on the island of Singapore. As these thoughts came rushing through my head and heart, a slightly more mature gentlemen appeared in front of me. "I'm sorry Sir, can I help?" Trying my best to remain calm and composed, I explained the predicament. "I'll see what I can do" as all he say after a desperate three minute appeal.

By this stage, my date had already committed to the popcorn and coke. She had added in the nachos for good measure. I smiled at her while trying to remain calm. "Some technical glitches" I said, hoping that she would not sense my panic and read into my slightly shaky voice. My hopes were dashed when she asked "is everything OK?" "Please, please, cinema manager, please come out to save me". I prayed silently. She had sensed the panic in my voice, and I was determined not to lie to her again. Two lies in a night was two too many.

"I am so sorry" the manager apologized profusely. There's been a mistake, my staff was looking at the wrong movie schedule" With that, he handed me the two prized pieces of paper. I heaved a sigh of relief as I smiled at my date, maybe thing were not going to turn out so negatively after all.

The confusion caused us to miss the "best" part of the movie - the trailers and advertisements. As we settled down, the lights had just begun to dim, and the movie was just about to start.

Would tonight be the night?

1 comment:

Chloe said...

You can be an author already(;
Continue continue! :D
Take caree.