Thursday, May 22, 2008

So tired...

Had another round of kayaking today. Gosh, kayaking is tiring business. Especially when you kayak on your own and you have to launch kayaks out too. At the same time though, I must say that its a really fun experience. I've never really been an outdoor adventure sports person until very recently. And come to think about it, I think i like it more and more. I must try some extreme sports like base-jumping and skydiving. Check out more about base jumping:   

It looks really fun.

Anyway, enough about outdoor adventure stuff. The Pedra Branca verdict will be out tomorrow. Finally, after 29 years of quarreling with Malaysia over a rock, the final answer and decision will be announced by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at the Hague, Netherlands. Let's hope it rules in Singapore's favor. 

I've always been a fan of this thing called the "Model United Nations (MUN)". I used to do it alot while i was in secondary school and university in New Zealand. Of course, the arguments got more complicated as we got through university. Basically, the idea revolves around the fact that either an individual or a team of people form up to represent one particular country. It simulates the United Nations General Assembly Session where we try to pass laws and legislations for the world. So effectively, each person is representing a country and would try to fight for their country's best interest when they are arguing about how to frame the policy. Its alot of fun, and its something I would like to try out in Singapore soon... I don't know how its gonna turn out, but it'll be fun. Its tough to conduct because students need to research on that particular country and how that country views certain issues. They also have to be fairly articulate in trying to drive home their point.

Wow..its already the final week of term tomorrow. Half-a-year gone already. Gosh. Time flies. I'm looking forward to the holidays.... :)

Take care and stay safe

Mr Goh

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