Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm still alive

Hmmm.. Its been awhile since I last blogged. Almost like a student again, don't blog during exam time. Yes, while the students were busy doing their exams, I was busy marking them. Indeed, I realized that since they put in effort to study and give their best shot, I had to mark it with the same level of enthusiasm and commitment to pass as many students as possible. So much has happened in the past three weeks that I really don't know where to begin.

OK.. Maybe let's start with last Saturday's funfair in school. Up till now, i still don't understand why its called 'funfair', when its not really 'fun', nor is it really 'fair'. Let me give you an example. I was physically man-handled (grabbed) by three students from a certain class to a certain stall to buy their stuff. I mean how much more unfair can you get than that??? And the best part, they were indignant about it. Ah well, all good fun, i guess. (Oh wait, maybe there's 'fun' in a 'funfair' after all).

Life as a single is awesome. I don't understand why people rush to get a 'stead'. Its over-rated. Over the past week, I saw Ironman and Drillbit Taylor. Very different plots, but I think i enjoyed Ironman better - maybe because it involved ethics, morals and a political undertone. Drillbit Taylor was about dealing with a school bully and how violence is the answer to the school bully. WRONG! I totally disagree with violence as an option to solve school bullying. There will be many people that disagree with me. I believe that the monopoly on violence in school lies with the teacher, discipline master, etc - not with the student. 

Its the final week of school and its all post-exam activities. I must say, the calendar of activities is really rather packed. I have so many things on that I'm practically out of school everyday. Its gonna be really fun. Really looking forward to it.

Ah, holidays are coming. And there are so MANY books that i'm really keen to read. I'm tempted to spend a few days in a bookstore just reading book after book. Sounds like a plan...

Take care and stay safe

Mr Goh

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