Monday, June 23, 2008

Term 3, Day 1

Holidays are over. The past four weeks just zipped by just like that. Where did all that time go? I was so busy the entire time that i hardly had any time to rest. There wasn't a single day during the holidays where i was able to stay home and relax. I was on my feet all day, everyday. Not sustainable.... Its only term 3, day 1, yet, i feel so tired already. The effects of a lack of sleep is beginning to take its toll on me. Gosh. How am i gonna survive??? I guess not surviving is not an option. I just have to keep smiling and keep telling myself that i can do this. 

I watched kungfu panda yesterday. Kinda cheesy, i felt. But i liked the values it was promoting. How one should never give up, and the secret really is 'nothing'. Its you. You are the secret. Don't look to others for help, because you are the secret to success. I enjoyed the show also because it promoted respect for your kungfu master (teacher), indeed, i believe the mouse teacher saw alot of potential in Po, and believed in him later on in the show. Hence, he was able to train Po well. If he did not believe in Po, he would have given up on him a long time ago.

I need to realize the potential of each student.... that's what the show taught me. Awesome values...

Take care and stay safe

Mr Goh

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