Friday, July 18, 2008

As one chapter closes, another opens

Today marked exactly 4 months since i was posted to this school. So much as changed in four months. There have been ups and there have been downs, but i have had the time of my life, and i definitely wouldn't trade this experience for anything else. In a sense, i've come one full circle. I began my solo teaching career in 2N3, hence, i guess its apt that i end it in 2N3 as well. 

Even as i look at all the well-wishes wish they wrote, I feel a real sense of achievement. I became a teacher because i wanted to make a difference in someone's life. But the truth is, these students really made a difference in my life. I guess its a two-way process. We learn from each other. I have been so blessed to have been a part of this class and this school.

As one chapter closes, another one opens. Yes, its only been 4 months, but it feels as if i've know this class for so long. Hence, parting is difficult. But at the same time, i'm going off to study, i'm going to be an even more effective teacher.

Thank you, 2N3

Take care and stay safe

Mr Goh

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