Thursday, July 10, 2008

National Songs

So... here i am, listening to National Day Songs getting in the mood for National Day. Yesh, its just 30 days away now. Gosh, i can't believe its another national day already. 

When Singapore had its first national day, it wasn't a pleasant experience. It was, in one word, unexpected. We weren't ready for independence, nor were we expecting it. Sure, we had some hiccups in our relationship with Malaysia, but certainly not one that we expected a separation to happen. The announcement came on national TV with the then prime minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew making an incredibly sad announcement that Singapore was now on its own. This, was 43 years ago. Today, many Singaporeans celebrate this day without a sense of history. For many, its just a public holiday to enjoy, they do not realize the process of nation-building that has taken place so far. The fact that Singapore is able to survive 43 years is nothing short of a miracle. Sure, excellent foresight and planning must take some credit, but ultimately, i believe if not for God's favor, we would not be where we are today. 

Thinking back, i have been involved in a total of NDPs. Yesh. Two parades. The first was in 1999 and the second was in 2007.  In 1999, i was involved in the combined schools choir that performed at the national stadium with Evelyn Tan as the key singer who sang "Together we make a difference". Last year, i was part of the medical support team for NDP07, this theme song was sung by Kit Chan who sang "There's no place i'd rather be'. The fireworks get better each year. But put it this way, i've never really enjoying performing in NDP. Its weeks and weeks of practice.... you get to school/work on Monday dead tired, and you don't get time off. Sure, its fun to watch, but its not that fun when you consider all the work you put in. My heart goes out to all the performers each year. 

This time last year, i was out at the floating platform managing casualties and making sure that everyone is well and hydrated. It was hard work. We had to wake up at 4am to grab our medical supplies from camp, and then we had to arrive at the platform by 7 and be ready to recieve any potential casualties by 8am. We didn't leave the place till almost midnight every session. And this happened for 12 consecutive Saturdays. Definitely not pleasant. But, take it as part of National Service...

This year, i still have no idea what i'll be doing on national day. All i know is, i'm certainly not at the floating platform!

Take care and stay safe

Mr Goh

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